Calgary lawyer’s admission to the bar a history-making moment

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, Roman emperor Claudius and the Magna Carta.

Last week, Court of Alberta Justice Paul Mason sits before a packed Calgary courtroom, with an address that includes the sombre, intellectual discourse we’ve come to expect from those presiding over our country’s justice system.

Greg McMeekin smiles while called to the bar during a ceremony at Calgary Courts Centre in Calgary, Alta., on Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016. Lyle Aspinall / Postmedia Network

Greg McMeekin smiles while called to the bar during a ceremony at Calgary Courts Centre in Calgary, Alta., on Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016. Lyle Aspinall / Postmedia Network

Valerie Fortney, Calgary Herald October 11, 2016

Also on this day, though, his address includes stories about childhood shenanigans, Calgary Flames fan-dom and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, amid frequent and hearty laughter from the courtroom gallery.

It is an unusual combination, to be sure, but then this is no regular day in courtroom 1106. That is because those gathered here — the spectators’ gallery is filled with judges both retired and currently serving, lawyers, court staff and others — have come for a special swearing-in before the bar, of a remarkable new member of their profession.

Greg McMeekin, 43, was born with cerebral palsy. He uses an electric wheelchair to get around and relies on the help of others for life’s daily needs. According to Neil Dobson of Alberta Justice, who served as McMeekin’s articling principal, “he has more physical challenges than any other individual who has ever sought entry into the profession in Alberta.”

Cerebral palsy can’t stop new lawyer. Greg McMeekin is one of the most severely disabled people to ever be called to the bar in Alberta, and our camera was allowed into the courtroom to witness it. Calgary Herald. YouTube Oct 11, 2016

His sister, Hilary, on hand for the special swearing-in ceremony, shares some of her younger brother’s story before the joyous event. Born weighing just over two pounds — a weight that not long after dipped to just over one pound — “doctors weren’t very hopeful that he would make it.”

Make it he did, which began a life of pushing boundaries and defying expectations, a role championed by his mom, Sandy, and his late father, Justice Tom McMeekin.

Rather than attending a special school, he became the first child with a physical disability to enrol in the city’s public school system back in the 1970s.

When he later saw problems in the way people with disabilities were viewed and treated, he became a member of the Calgary Handi-bus Foundation board of directors and got involved with the Premier’s Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities.

“He is an inspiration to me and so many others,” says his sister. “His greatest challenge has been to continually demonstrate his capability, so people give him a chance.”

Those gathered for the historic event are well aware of McMeekin’s talents and skills, along with his integrity, kindness and great sense of humour.

In keeping with his friend’s love of good humour, Dobson, who was his principal while McMeekin worked summers and later articled at Alberta Justice, begins his application with a funny anecdote about McMeekin sitting in at a trial.

The sole reporter in the otherwise empty courtroom referenced in his story “the odd law student” being present. “Greg said, ‘I wonder why the reporter thought I was odd, he never even spoke to me,’ ” says Dobson, the courtroom erupting in laughter.

If being odd means differing markedly from the usual and ordinary, though, he adds that perhaps McMeekin fills the bill. “It is not Greg’s physical challenges, however, that define who he is or contributes to him differing markedly to the usual or the ordinary,” he says, going on to describe him as someone of keen intelligence, principled and fair, “very much a gentleman, who in many ways emulates his father.”

For judge Mason, the connection with McMeekin goes back to childhood. Tom McMeekin and his father, Blair Mason — also present on this day with wife Marlene, whom the judge acknowledges with a “hi, mom and dad” — were law firm partners in the 1960s, the two then-young families close.

“I retained the impression that you were very small and I thought you must be delicate or frail,” he says of their first meeting when he was a young boy, McMeekin a baby. “I could not have been more mistaken.”

While fighting for the rights of people with disabilities and pursuing his dream of becoming a lawyer, McMeekin, says Mason, has “been living what I call an education piece for the rest of us,” helping to further understanding of issues facing the physically disabled.

“You’ve been it doing so well and for so long that people don’t realize that what you’re showing them is that they have the issue, not you.”

When it’s his turn to speak, McMeekin demonstrates so many of the qualities described by those present. Thanking his mother and sister for their constant love and support, along with other friends and family, brings many to tears. In speaking about his father, who died last year, he brings more tears, as well as laughter, from the gallery.

“Thank you for all your love and support. Every day I try to carry on our good name,” he says in honour of his father, who shared his love of the law as well as sports with his only son. “I feel your energy — and our sports teams need all your support.”

Backed by a gallery of friends and family, Greg McMeekin is flanked by Justice Paul Mason (R) and lawyer Neil Dobson after a ceremony in which he was called to the bar at Calgary Courts Centre in Calgary, Alta., on Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016.

Backed by a gallery of friends and family, Greg McMeekin is flanked by Justice Paul Mason (R) and lawyer Neil Dobson after a ceremony in which he was called to the bar at Calgary Courts Centre in Calgary, Altberta on Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016. Lyle Aspinall / Postmedia Network

After he is sworn in, McMeekin is swamped by well-wishers who gather around him for photographs and hugs.

“I hope this shows the public that if you want to achieve a goal, you can,” says the man who plans to conquer even more mountains in his inspiring life. “It’s not just about me, though — this was definitely a team effort.”

Source Calgary Herald

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