Quickie’s new Q300 M mini has the tightest power chair turning radius on the market

Power chair users tired of trashing walls and doors have a new option that promises the smallest turning radius on the market. Quickie’s new Q300 M Mini offers a 17-inch turning radius (without footplates) that should make navigating a little easier, whether you’re trying to weave your way through a packed restaurant or simply making a tight turn in your home.

By Seth McBride, New Mobility March 16, 2021

“The Q300 M Mini is the perfect power chair for anyone who lives in a small place or needs to get around in tight areas, like their kitchen. It packs a lot of features found on much larger chairs into a small package. The 17-inch turning radius will really make the difference for many clients,” said Jeff Rogers, Sunrise Medical director of power product management, in a statement.

Alongside the tight turning radius, the Q300 M Mini also has a narrow, 20.5” width, which should allow users to squeeze through all but tightest doorways. Quickie has designed the chair to accommodate whatever custom seating needs you have, while keeping the base weight at just 111 pounds.

Q300 M Mini comes with a 16.5-inch seat-to-floor height and optional seat elevator that allows you to go up 12 inches while traveling up to 3 mph. Add in a 17-mile range and the ability to climbs up to 3-inch curbs, and Quickie’s latest offering should be worth checking out for users who want a compact base that can handle the demands of an active lifestyle.

Check out the video below for a closer look at its features.

The Quickie Q300 M Mini, a compact power wheelchair like you have never seen before. Watch to learn more about this remarkable achievement is size and efficiency. Sunrise Medical North America. Youtube December 15, 2020

Source New Mobility

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