Adaptive Gymnastics

Open only to children with a disability requiring 1:1 coaching, this program is designed to introduce children with a disability to the sport of artistic gymnastics.

University of Calgary

Children will participate in our circuit-based preschool and recreational programs in an environment that is conducive to their learning and development. Our coaches will make adaptations and personalized modifications to our circuits to meet each child where they are at and assist them in working towards their own personal best as a gymnast.

A coach will be provided for each child; all parents/aids are asked to remain in the hallway during class. If special circumstances are required, please contact the program coordinator at  403-220-7010.

If you would prefer to register your child in a different Preschool or Recreational program, please contact or call  403-220-7010 to inquire.

Source University of Calgary via CPAA Newsletter

Call 403-240-9100

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