Effects of decompressive brace use in medial compartment knee osteoarthritis

Knee osteoarthritis is a prevalent disease. Unloading the affected compartment using a brace is a treatment option.

OssKin Evoke

Study design was within subjects; pre- and post testing — to determine whether a de-compressive knee brace alters loading in medial knee osteoarthritis following 2 and 8 weeks of use.

The data from this study suggest that use of a medial unloading brace can reduce potentially detrimental adduction moments at the knee. Clinicians should use this evidence to advocate for use of this non-invasive treatment for people presenting with medial knee osteoarthritis.

A total of 15 individuals with medial knee osteoarthritis attended four sessions: baseline, fitting, 2 weeks after fitting (post), and 8 weeks after fitting (final). A gait analysis was performed at baseline (without knee brace), post and final. Knee adduction impulse, first and second peak knee adduction moment, knee motion, and walking velocity were calculated. Participants also recorded hours and steps taken while wearing the brace.

On average, the brace was worn for more than 6 h/day. Through use of repeated-measures analysis of variance, it was determined that the knee adduction impulse and second peak knee adduction moment were reduced (p < 0.05) at post and final compared to baseline (36% and 34% reduction in knee adduction impulse, 26% reduction in second peak knee adduction moment for post and final, respectively). Furthermore, participants walked faster with increased knee motion during stance.

The studied decompressive brace was effective in reducing potentially detrimental forces at the knee-knee adduction impulse and second peak knee adduction moment during the stance phase of gait.

The data from this study suggest that use of a medial unloading brace can reduce potentially detrimental adduction moments at the knee. Clinicians should use this evidence to advocate for use of this non-invasive treatment for people presenting with medial knee osteoarthritis.

Source Prosthetics and Orthotics International


The 2- and 8-week effects of decompressive brace use in people with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis, Lamberg EM, Streb R, Werner M, Kremenic I, Penna J. Prosthet Orthot Int. 2015 Jun 25. pii: 0309364615589537.

Benefits of bracing knee osteoarthritis, Lamberg EM, Streb R, Werner M, Kremenic IJ, Penna J. American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists 41st Academy Annual Meeting & Scientific Symposium February 18, 2015

Also see
Unloading knee braces

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