
A runner’s guide to the perfect shoe

In 2010, the running-shoe world was in turmoil. The rapid rise of barefoot and minimalist running had sparked a critical re-evaluation of all the fancy technology packed into the most popular shoes – rollbars, heel lifts, cushioning … READ MORE

Pre-referral MRIs not often necessary

An MRI isn’t always the best first-choice for diagnosis when patients present with knee pain. While MRI is highly sensitive and it can detect intra-articular pathology, these changes might be associated with degenerative joint … READ MORE

Running may be good for your knees

Many people worry that running ruins knees. But a new study finds that the activity may in fact benefit the joint, changing the biochemical environment inside the knee in ways that could help keep it working smoothly. The Economical … READ MORE

Is running bad for your knees?

Study suggests it may slow development of osteoarthritis. Everybody believes running can leave you sore and swollen, right? Well, a new study suggests running might actually reduce inflammation in joints. BYU HealthDay News January … READ MORE

3D-printed Adidas trainers go on sale

Adidas has released a limited-edition run of its 3D-printed trainers, which were worn by a number of athletes at this year’s Rio Olympics. The 3D Runner goes on sale today at stores in London, New York and Tokyo – marking the … READ MORE

Minimal shoes may reduce running injuries

Runners who wear running shoes with no cushioning and land on the ball of their foot rather than the heel put significantly less demand on their bodies, new research suggests. Barefoot Running Shoes vs Minimalist Running Shoes: 5 Key … READ MORE

Walking uses more than just feet

We humans walk with our feet. This is true, but not entirely. Walking, as part of locomotion, is a coordinated whole-body movement that involves both the arms and legs. Walking is a whole-body movement. Arm and leg movements are … READ MORE

Does a heavy running shoe slow you down?

In a famous study three decades ago, experimental biologists strapped a pair of 1.8-kilogram weights around the waists of volunteers and found that they only had to expend about 4 per cent more energy to maintain the same running pace … READ MORE
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