Orthopedic medicine

On bended knees: Preparing for surgery

I come to you on bended knees. Well, I would if I could bend them – but I can’t. For the last several years, my knees have progressively failed me, and I’ve gone from running to walking to hobbling to using a cane. I’ve had … READ MORE

New telemedicine exercise therapy

Rehabilitation in your own living room: Hip- and knee-joint patients could soon benefit from new telemedical exercise therapy. Its effectiveness has been proven. The product should be available on the market in 2019. Fraunhofer FOKUS … READ MORE

The cure for osteoarthritis

A knee that is as good as new again, without major surgery or a prosthesis. That is something osteoarthritis patients can only dream of. But this will soon change, according to UT professor Marcel Karperien. If all goes well, the … READ MORE

Knee surgery—have we been doing it wrong?

Cleaning up loose cartilage is not always beneficial, according to a new University at Buffalo study that could impact athletes and seniors, reduce health care costs. By Grove Potter, University at Buffalo July 18, 2017 A team of … READ MORE

What I wish I’d known about my knees

Many of the procedures people undergo to counter chronic knee pain in the hopes of avoiding a knee replacement have limited or no evidence to support them. Some enrich the pockets of medical practitioners while rarely benefiting … READ MORE

Success in 3D bio-printing of cartilage

A team of researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy has managed to generate cartilage tissue by printing stem cells using a 3D bio-printer. The fact that the stem cells survived being printed in this manner is a success in itself. In … READ MORE

Read this before you get your knee replaced

More than sixty thousand Canadians per year, and climbing, get knee replacement surgery. A U.S study published last week in the British Medical Journal finds that a good number of patients south of the border may be getting new knees … READ MORE
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