Orthopedic medicine

Cover lets household drills into surgery

A sterile cover for hardware-store drills, which allows them to be used in operating rooms, is one of several innovations that the Grand Challenges of Canada program has chosen to support financially. A sterile cover for … READ MORE

Relief for joints besieged by arthritis

If you live long enough — that is, beyond 50 or 60 — chances are one or more of your joints, probably your knees or hips, will become arthritic. And if pain or stiffness begin to seriously limit your ability to enjoy life and … READ MORE

Is hip arthroscopic surgery a sham?

Minimal access hip arthroscopy surgery has become the treatment of choice for hip pain in young adults, especially athletes, but a team of McMaster University surgeons is looking to see if the procedure is a sham. “The evidence to … READ MORE

Aggressive rehab safe after knee replacement

Aggressive rehabilitation after total knee arthroplasty is safe and could lead to earlier functional recovery without compromising range of motion, new research shows. 5 tips for faster knee surgery recovery. Spring Loaded Technology … READ MORE

Brace yourself for knee pain relief

If you’re among the estimated 10 million [Americans, annually] who have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee, take heart in knowing that several nonsurgical options, pharmacologic and otherwise, are available for … READ MORE
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