
Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice

OA strongly affects difficulty in walking

Influence of arthritis greater than heart disease or diabetes. One in four older adults reported having difficulty walking, with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee or hip having a larger influence on this than comorbidities such as … READ MORE

What it means when kids walk on their toes

When toddlers are learning to walk, many spend some time walking up on their tip toes, which is known as toe walking. Commonly this is to get into things they aren’t meant to, but as they perfect their walking, they walk more with … READ MORE

Read this before you get your knee replaced

More than sixty thousand Canadians per year, and climbing, get knee replacement surgery. A U.S study published last week in the British Medical Journal finds that a good number of patients south of the border may be getting new knees … READ MORE

The rise of the private patient advocate

After bouncing around doctors’ offices in an effort to treat her debilitating back pain, Maureen had become discouraged with the lack of progress. She had seen multiple specialists yet nothing seemed to provide relief, and she began … READ MORE

A runner’s guide to the perfect shoe

In 2010, the running-shoe world was in turmoil. The rapid rise of barefoot and minimalist running had sparked a critical re-evaluation of all the fancy technology packed into the most popular shoes – rollbars, heel lifts, cushioning … READ MORE
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