Primary care

Letting patients read the doctor’s notes

The patient, a wiry businessman in his 50s, needed a copy of his medical records to bring to a specialist for a second opinion. He assumed that getting the copies would be straightforward; the records were, after all, his. By Pauline … READ MORE

Out on a limb: Hockey gets hip to FAI

Despite evidence of significant lower extremity injury risks associated with ice hockey, even at youth levels, preventing those types of injuries has never been a priority in that sport. But that may be starting to change. Young ice … READ MORE

How doctors use smartphones in hospitals

Findings suggest that medical residents are looking for quicker forms of medical confirmation and information, rather than multimedia formats that may be more time consuming to process during clinic. This is consistent with another … READ MORE

Medical 3D printing for the radiologist

From personalized replacement body parts to safer surgeries, 3D printing is revolutionizing medicine. Dr. Frank Rybicki, an American expert in the field, tells Andrew Duffy what the future holds — and why he’s set up shop in … READ MORE

20 ways to see the heart

Our ability to see the human heart – its intricate valves, vessels and chambers – can mean less invasive procedures for patients. Better care for daughters, moms, dads, grandpas and more. A look inside the technology and … READ MORE

Sport and exercise medicine

Primary care is ideally placed to promote and prescribe exercise to patients. Inevitably some people will develop musculoskeletal problems and will need our help. In general these needs can be managed successfully without need to call … READ MORE

The upper limb in primary care

Upper limb in primary care, Part 2 Wrist, hand – joint, soft tissue and neurological disorders. There is increasing focus on GPs reducing the number of referrals that they make to secondary care. Wrist and hand disorders are a … READ MORE

Introduction to musculoskeletal assessment

A guide for medical students and healthcare professionals. Musculoskeletal disorders are the commonest cause of disability in the UK. Each year 15 per cent of patients on a general practitioner’s list will consult their doctor with … READ MORE

Resistance exercise for spinal cord injury

Resistance training is important for persons with spinal cord injury, SCI. In general, regular resistance exercise improves one’s energy level and daily living, as well as enhancing body composition and overall motor function. A … READ MORE

Hip and Knee Referral Template

Referring physicians must use the provincially endorsed Alberta Bone and Joint Clinical Network Hip and Knee Referral template for all hip and knee replacement patients. Include with each completed referral form a relevant history or … READ MORE

Sports and exercise injuries

Exercise and sport should be good for your physical and mental health if you undertake it sensibly and take into account your current level of health and fitness. 2042-Sport-Exercise-injuries-14-1 Visit Arthritis Research … READ MORE

When your child has arthritis

The best care for your child is a combination of medicines (drug treatments) and an active exercise programme. 2006-When-your-child-has-arthritis Visit Arthritis Research … READ MORE

Hip replacement surgery

If you’re thinking about having hip replacement surgery you’ll probably have lots of questions on your mind. In this booklet we’ll explain when hip replacement might be needed and what you can expect from surgery. To help you in … READ MORE
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