Erin helps her sister with Cerebral palsy

When someone communicates using a computerized voice, it can feel like, well, not their own. This family got the chance to create a more authentic voice for their daughter with cerebral palsy, and it’s pretty incredible.

Abilities Magazine via BuzzFeed March 29, 2016

Get A Realistic Speaking Voice
What Happens When You Give Your Sister A Voice. “Best Day Ever!” As/Is. BuzzFeed Yellow. Youtube Mar 12, 2016

This is Erin. She lives in Massachusets with her mom, her sister Megan, and her sister Maeve, who has cerebral palsy and uses a “talker” to communicate.

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Erin wrote to Dr. Patel of Vocal ID, explaining that Maeve’s pre-programmed voice on her talker “sounds nothing like the voice of an 8-year-old, but there are no voices programmed that sound like one.”

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The whole family got to go in to Vocal ID headquarters, where Dr. Patel helped Erin record words and phrases and Maeve record sounds.

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Then, through ~~magical advanced technology and careful science,~~ a new voice and vocabulary was created for Maeve’s device.

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After waiting ten months for it to be perfected, everyone was so happy and excited to hear the voice for the first time, but nobody more so than Maeve. <3

Thanks to Erin’s compassion and determination and the incredible work of Dr. Patel and her team, Maeve finally has a voice of her own.

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Source Abilities Magazine via BuzzFeed

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