
Do I need foot orthotics? What kind?

Many people come to my office complaining of foot pain from conditions such as bunions, hammertoes, a pinched nerve (neuroma), or heel pain (plantar fasciitis). I perform a thorough evaluation and examination, and together we review … READ MORE

On bended knees: It’s a prehab, rehab life

SUN Media national lifestyle and food editor Rita DeMontis recently wrote about her struggles with advanced osteoarthritis knee issues, and how she faced the toughest challenge of her life: Bilateral knee surgery. Here, in Part Three … READ MORE

On bended knees: Preparing for surgery

I come to you on bended knees. Well, I would if I could bend them – but I can’t. For the last several years, my knees have progressively failed me, and I’ve gone from running to walking to hobbling to using a cane. I’ve had … READ MORE

Tomorrow’s doctors must be engineers too

The medical profession is changing, and so must medical education. When King Li went to medical school 40 years ago, he sometimes felt like he was trying to memorize the human body. “I’d see these curves in the textbook, and have … READ MORE

Dynamic headrest helps wheelchair users

A dynamic headrest will soon reduce pain and other handicaps for wheelchair users. University of Twente University of Twente 2 October 2018 Anoek Geers constructed the prototype of this new head support within the framework of the … READ MORE

What do we do with all this data?

How joining smart sensors and smart data analysis can make data more useful. The City of Calgary created a bold community proposal to Infrastructure Canada Smart Cities Challenge. Christina Reynolds, University of Calgary August 1, … READ MORE
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