
One sexy walker!

I love how designer Manuel Hess put it… “a walker doesn’t have to look like a disease itself.” Harsh but SO true! His proposal for a walker, called PROSUS, ditches the stigma and is instead designed with dignity in mind. By … READ MORE

Minimal shoes may reduce running injuries

Runners who wear running shoes with no cushioning and land on the ball of their foot rather than the heel put significantly less demand on their bodies, new research suggests. Barefoot Running Shoes vs Minimalist Running Shoes: 5 Key … READ MORE

Does a heavy running shoe slow you down?

In a famous study three decades ago, experimental biologists strapped a pair of 1.8-kilogram weights around the waists of volunteers and found that they only had to expend about 4 per cent more energy to maintain the same running pace … READ MORE

Out on a limb: Think outside the knee

We hear a lot about various co-morbidities associated with knee osteoarthritis (OA), and how addressing those additional conditions can help improve knee pain and function. But a growing body of research suggests one set of … READ MORE

Offloading the knee through gait modification

Changing the way people walk can significantly decrease knee external adduction moments, which in turn appears to relieve pain and possibly slow the progression of osteoarthritis. The challenge, however, is finding a gait modification … READ MORE
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