Health Tech

Emerging research, products, and human factors

Recreation programs foster inclusion

It’s all about playing together. That’s the philosophy of special recreation inclusion efforts integrating those with special needs into mainstream park programs. Laney Myers, right, works to get control of the ball during … READ MORE

Out on a limb: Valuable testimony

A person’s testimony doesn’t always agree with objective evidence—that’s why some defense attorneys won’t allow their clients to take the stand during a trial, even in their own defense. Similarly, as most clinicians know, … READ MORE

What pushing a wheelchair does to your back

When you push someone in a wheelchair, you may be hurting your back without knowing it. Researchers at The Ohio State University Spine Research Institute measured the forces on the spine caused by pushing a wheelchair, and discovered … READ MORE

An app a day keeps the doctor away

Healthcare is poised for an upheaval, with the arrival of artificially intelligent health apps that could replace visits to the doctor. Smartening up medicine. Your.MD By Douglas Heaven, New Scientist 19 July 2017 Stiff neck, … READ MORE

Just a really happy baby

Isaac Heroux and his mom Julia Heroux at Isaac’s Walk, the first Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus Association of Ontario Spirit Wheel Walk Run at Lemoine’s Point Conservation Area in Kingston, Ont. on Sunday June 26, 2016. … READ MORE

Life Without Limits Challenge 2017

The Life Without Limits Challenge is all about having FUN! No times, no pressure, no sweat – just some easy moves and lots of laughs. Over 500 participants of all ages and abilities take part annually, running, walking or wheeling … READ MORE

Cerebral palsy children are happy

Children with cerebral palsy are just as happy as children without the condition, a study has shown. Their physical impairment does not have a negative effect on their relationships, moods or welfare, researchers report in The Lancet. … READ MORE

How to support workers with disabilities

All employees deserve access to tools to succeed at work. Disabilities offer a challenge for job seekers and the workplace. After spending 75 days in the hospital, 12 of which were in a coma, and then several months after that in a … READ MORE

Knee surgery—have we been doing it wrong?

Cleaning up loose cartilage is not always beneficial, according to a new University at Buffalo study that could impact athletes and seniors, reduce health care costs. By Grove Potter, University at Buffalo July 18, 2017 A team of … READ MORE

Out on a limb: Healing arts

Healthcare practitioners and artists wouldn’t seem to have much in common, other than perhaps an appreciation of anatomy. But a new book has made me think the two professions also share an appreciation of people. The woman in the … READ MORE
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