
A condition that causes stiffness, weakness, or lack of mobility in muscle groups on both sides of the body

CP patients wear AFOs less than prescribed

An open-access study, published in Rehabilitation Research and Practice, investigated the wear time of commonly used AFOs in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Shoes for Orthotics, AFOs, DAFOs. CHASA support groups The O&P EDGE … READ MORE

Rehabilitation and cerebral palsy

Frequent re-evaluation of orthotic devices is important because children quickly outgrow them and can undergo skin breakdown from improper use of this equipment. Summer camp for children with cerebral palsy. CerebralPalsy.org Author: … READ MORE

Ankle-foot orthoses improve CP gait

Strategies alter ankle, knee kinematics. Floor-reaction ankle foot orthoses and wedge-based tuning significantly improve ankle and knee kinematics in children with cerebral palsy, according to separate studies from Greenvile, SC, and … READ MORE

Adjustable Dynamic Response AFOs

Adjustable dynamic response (ADR) AFOs addressed common gait abnormalities in an adolescent with diplegic cerebral palsy, according to a presenter at the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists Annual Meeting and Scientific … READ MORE
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