Frequently asked questions

Arthritis of the knee: Ten exercises

Arthritis is a condition where the joints become swollen, hot, and often painful. One joint that is commonly affected by arthritis is the knee, the largest joint in the body. by Brian Wu, Reviewed by William Morrison MD, Medical News … READ MORE

Showing your shoe smarts

Ladies, there is a reason certain grandmas wear the shoes they do: comfort. There are many over-the-counter options for orthotics, so it does take a little experimentation to find the right one. Once you’ve tried a few (soft, … READ MORE

Knee pain and how orthotics can help

Improve Mobility. Stay Healthy. Many of us suffer from chronic pain in the knees, hips or lower back. Often, there is a connection between these complaints and the way you walk. This article sheds more light on knee pain and in … READ MORE

Do orthotics for foot injuries really work?

As baby boomers age and continue to participate in sports, more and more are suffering from foot injuries, such as plantar fasciitis and hallux valgus. And researchers have proposed the inserts as treatments for back, hip, knee and … READ MORE

Knee replacement FAQs

What causes OA? Factors that may lead to OA include: weight gain, advancing age and joint injury. What is OA of the knee? The knee joint includes the patella (kneecap), the femur (thigh bone) and the tibia (shinbone). These bones are … READ MORE

Osteoarthritis of the knee FAQs

What causes OA? Factors that may lead to OA include: weight gain, advancing age and joint injury. What is OA of the knee? The knee joint includes the patella (kneecap), the femur (thigh bone) and the tibia (shinbone). These bones are … READ MORE

What is Plantar fasciitis?

What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar fasciitis (say PLAN-ter-fash-ee-EYE-tis) is a common cause of pain in the heel of your foot. Your heel may hurt, feel hot, swell or turn red due to inflammation. The inflammation occurs in the … READ MORE

Scoliosis FAQs

What Is scoliosis? Scoliosis is a sideways (lateral) curve of the spine, usually developing in early adolescence. About 80% of scoliosis is idiopathic which means that the cause is unknown. 1 to 2 of every 100 people has scoliosis. … READ MORE

AFO wear and care FAQs

About your child’s new AFOs Your child should wear their Ankle-Foot Orthotics (AFOs) during the day with their shoes. Walking barefoot after a bath or in the evening will do no harm. Your child may feel uncomfortable wearing the … READ MORE

Why is exercise important?

It’s important to keep your joints moving and your muscles strong – if you don’t use it, you may lose it. If arthritis is causing pain, you may not want to move. But this can increase stiffness and in the long term your … READ MORE

How much exercise should I do and how often?

Little and often is generally a good approach to exercise. We should all aim to do 30 minutes of exercise that makes us a bit short of breath five times a week. It’s also recommended that we spend 30 minutes a day on our feet – … READ MORE

What sort of exercise is important?

You don’t need to join a gym or buy special equipment to exercise. The simplest exercises are often the best. You should try to do three main types of exercise: Stretching exercises help ease aches and pains and get the best … READ MORE

Wear and care instructions for your brace

Children should wear their AFOs during the day, just as they would their shoes. While walking barefoot after a bath or in the evening can do no harm, you may consider having the child wear them at night, even while sleeping, for … READ MORE

Knee replacement surgery

Evoke™ knee brace highlights. OssKin If you’re thinking about having knee replacement surgery you’ll probably have lots of questions. In this booklet we’ll explain when knee replacement might be needed and what you can … READ MORE

Order the Braceworks Pectus Brace

Rather than taking measurements by hand, clinicians may prefer a 3D scanner on an iPad. ☞ Download the Braceworks Pectus Brace® order form, PDF Visit the  Apple App Store or ▶︎ Google Play on your tablet or phone to … READ MORE
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