Hip abduction

How we walk could impact future arthritis

Identifying risk factors early can take the pressure off joints. A new study suggests a person’s walking style that places more pressure on the hips and knees can contribute to future osteoarthritis. Researchers say the key is … READ MORE

Rehabilitation and cerebral palsy

Frequent re-evaluation of orthotic devices is important because children quickly outgrow them and can undergo skin breakdown from improper use of this equipment. Summer camp for children with cerebral palsy. CerebralPalsy.org Author: … READ MORE

Understanding hypotonia

Diagnostic challenges should not delay clinical intervention. Hypotonia, or abnormally low muscle tone, is by itself not a disorder but a symptom of an enormous array of issues—many of which can be difficult to diagnose accurately. … READ MORE

Solving the curious case of runner’s knee

Biomechanics research reveals potential new ways to treat one of the most common running injuries. “What we found was that, regardless of which orthotic volunteers received, there was a relationship between change in biomechanics … READ MORE

Pre-operative exercise boosts TKA outcomes

An evidence-based exercise regimen, designed to enhance knee strength and the ability to complete functional tasks, may speed recovery following total knee arthroscopy, TKA, in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Evoke unloading knee … READ MORE

Knee braces activate brain

A prototype ‘mini’ MRI scanner, developed by Imperial College London, that could be used for diagnosing knee injuries by Jordana Bieze Foster, Lower Extremity Review January 2010 fMRI confirms proprioceptive effects. Functional … READ MORE
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