
Baby helmet therapy tips and advice

When I learned of our baby’s craniosynostosis diagnosis, and that I wanted to push and fight for him to have the less invasive surgery, I also knew that baby helmet therapy was part of that package deal. The surgery fixed about 20% … READ MORE

A thank you to my old AFOs

In grade school, I used to launch my ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) from my foot and into the air by twisting my toes as I kicked as high and as hard as I could. I would watch my AFOs spin in the sky before they fell to the ground. The … READ MORE

Twin babies get helmets from Mary Free Bed

The two boys, Edgar and Vincent, have flat areas on the sides and down the middle-back of their heads, a consequence of positioning when they were in the womb. The boys landed in the severe category within a plagiocephaly and … READ MORE

The rest of the story – helmet treatment

Just under three years ago, the O&P profession was startled by the publication of the first randomized controlled trial (RCT) on the efficacy of cranial remolding orthoses.[1] Wren’s plagiocephaly and helmet journey – … READ MORE

Active Life Physiotherapy in Canmore AB

Independent, unbiased advice, recommendations and referrals you can trust. Active Life Physiotherapy. Canmore AB. Facebook. Heather King, PT BscPT DScPT BAHSc FCAMPT CAFCI SPC Jenna Nodding, MScPT BKin CAFCI Book your complimentary … READ MORE

Are foot orthotics worth it?

A consumer’s guide to the science and controversies of orthotics, special shoes, and other allegedly corrective foot devices. Footprints in the Sand. Pruzi Pixabay by Paul Ingraham, updated Sep 23, 2018 Readers often … READ MORE

Infant positional plagiocephaly

Cranial asymmetry occurring as a result of forces that deform skull shape in the supine position is known as deformational plagiocephaly. Orthomerica Starband Carl Cummings MD, Principal author, Canadian Paediatric Society, Community … READ MORE

Rehabilitation and cerebral palsy

Frequent re-evaluation of orthotic devices is important because children quickly outgrow them and can undergo skin breakdown from improper use of this equipment. Summer camp for children with cerebral palsy. Author: … READ MORE
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