Health apps

A “GPS” for inside your body

Investigating inside the human body often requires cutting open a patient or swallowing long tubes with built-in cameras. But what if physicians could get a better glimpse in a less expensive, invasive, and time-consuming manner? MIT … READ MORE

How to improve health care in Canada

Expanding public funding for cost-effective treatments, investing in primary care, embracing technology and engaging patients are some of the ways Canada can improve the quality of health care, according to an analysis in CMAJ … READ MORE

The curious case of Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer, Pulitzer-prize winning columnist for The Washington Post, best-selling author, Fox News commentator and well-respected conservative rhetorician, died on June 21 after an aggressive return of cancer following … READ MORE

Tomorrow’s doctors must be engineers too

The medical profession is changing, and so must medical education. When King Li went to medical school 40 years ago, he sometimes felt like he was trying to memorize the human body. “I’d see these curves in the textbook, and have … READ MORE

What do we do with all this data?

How joining smart sensors and smart data analysis can make data more useful. The City of Calgary created a bold community proposal to Infrastructure Canada Smart Cities Challenge. Christina Reynolds, University of Calgary August 1, … READ MORE
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