Family Support for Children with Disabilities

Children with medical complexity in Canada

The burden of chronic disease is placing pressure on the Canadian health care system. A small but important chronic disease population is children with medical complexity, defined as individuals with: high family-identified needs; … READ MORE

IDEAS Calgary

The IDEAS group was formed as a means of providing multi-disciplinary services to children and their families. Of the eight people who started IDEAS in August 1992, Karen McIntosh remains as the director. New associates have been … READ MORE

Cause and Effect Foundation in Calgary

Cause and Effect Foundation is an Early Intervention Program committed to delivering individualized programming to each child within their natural environments including preschool, home, and community. Programs and services promote … READ MORE

Children’s Link Society

Staffed by parents that have been there, The Children’s Link Society is Calgary’s first and only special needs connection. Whether newly diagnosed or struggling through critical life events, our service connects parents with the … READ MORE

Step by Step Early Intervention Society

Step By Step Early Intervention Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting, educating and empowering parents of children with developmental delays. Our service model is tailored specifically to the needs of the … READ MORE

Refresh your brace with new straps

Pop a rivet? Blow a strap? Drop-in service for minor repairs while you wait. Drop off your used devices for recycling. Please call ahead. Braceworks is located in Calgary, Alberta Canada ☞ See map below Amy Lisbeth photo Have … READ MORE

AADL program information

Cost sharing of benefits The Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL) program helps Albertans with a long-term disability, chronic illness or terminal illness to maintain their independence at home, in lodges or group homes by providing … READ MORE


Pacekids is a dynamic, active environment, specializing in family-centred, therapeutic learning objectives that nurture each child’s unique developmental and physical needs through a variety of programs. Our personalized, tailored … READ MORE
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