
Equine assisted therapy

6-legged “horse” rides to the rescue

Hippotherapy device could help patients recover movement, balance. Rice University students are working toward a long-standing goal of making the benefits of hippotherapy – equine-assisted therapy – available to those without … READ MORE

The horse is the therapist

With hippotherapy, the horse provides the therapy. Three-year-old Jack Foster sat on his mother’s lap as she wrapped a towel carefully around his neck. “Jack has cerebral palsy and low muscle tone,” said his mother, Emily … READ MORE

It’s a horse, of course: equine therapy

The horse simulator was created at Rice’s Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen, where students have all the resources they need to design and build projects. Here, students Jaime Gomez and Amy Ryu prepare to test their device, intended … READ MORE

Horses sooth the soul for special needs kids

The healing power of equine therapy. A pink-haired teenager painted two pictures on the side of her massive, living canvas. First, the girl drew a picture of a broken heart and a horse. Then, she used the paint to sketch a person and … READ MORE
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