Autism spectrum disorder ASD

ASDs are a group of developmental disabilities that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges

The Ability Hub

The Ability Hub is an initiative of The Sinneave Family Foundation. At The Ability Hub we are working to enhance Life for people living with Autism Spectrum Disorder through Innovation, Partnerships and Support. Our work is focused on … READ MORE

The power of music for special needs kids

Dylan Whitley, 16, who has been diagnosed with Autism and septo-optic dysplasia loves music. His keen ear, pitch perfect voice and talent for musical jingles keeps JB Music therapist Max Wood on his toes. Christina Ryan, Calgary … READ MORE

Horses sooth the soul for special needs kids

The healing power of equine therapy. A pink-haired teenager painted two pictures on the side of her massive, living canvas. First, the girl drew a picture of a broken heart and a horse. Then, she used the paint to sketch a person and … READ MORE

iPad opens world to a disabled boy

OWEN CAIN depends on a respirator and struggles to make even the slightest movements — he has had a debilitating motor-neuron disease since infancy. Photo by Alene Tchekmedyian, L.A. Times By Emily B. Hager, The New York Times … READ MORE

Globotec Junior heel cup

Nestle young feet gently to improve balance, biomechanics and gait. Designed to treat indications of developmental delay, autism, downs syndrome and club foot. Covering material is skin friendly Alcantara®, which works with the … READ MORE

Gait: The cornerstone of intervention

Quantifying the effects of hypotonia starts in the clinic. Effective management of children with hypotonia requires an understanding of how the condition affects gait. Clinicians typically rely on their professional experience when … READ MORE
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