
Medical specialty in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Is joint replacement surgery necessary?

Non-surgical and minimally invasive surgical options for deteriorating joints may allow some patients to delay or avoid joint replacement surgery. OssKin Evoke By Kim Waterman, Northwestern Medicine, Orthopedics May 15, 2019 Hip and … READ MORE

A thank you to my old AFOs

In grade school, I used to launch my ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) from my foot and into the air by twisting my toes as I kicked as high and as hard as I could. I would watch my AFOs spin in the sky before they fell to the ground. The … READ MORE

Rehabilitation and cerebral palsy

Frequent re-evaluation of orthotic devices is important because children quickly outgrow them and can undergo skin breakdown from improper use of this equipment. Summer camp for children with cerebral palsy. Author: … READ MORE

Brace yourself: my ups and downs with AFOs

It was late May 2014, and my wife and I were on our first trip to the Cleveland Clinic. We’d been to Cleveland for a wedding a few years earlier but had been too busy to explore. We booked a room at the Tudor Arms, a cool, old … READ MORE

Walking frame could keep older adults active

A robotic walking frame that could help older people recover more quickly after a fall or injury, reducing the length of time they need to stay in hospital, is being developed in partnership with researchers at Northumbria University, … READ MORE
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