
Walk for Angels 2022

The Canadian Angelman Syndrome Society The Walk for Angels is a 5K Walk/Run to raise awareness to Angelman syndrome and to raise money for CASS. The Walk for Angels was first started in 2016 in Edmonton AB by a mom of a child with … READ MORE

Motor imagery improves MS

Motor imagery (MI) is a useful tool in the management of multiple sclerosis (MS), with the potential to improve balance, walking, and even cognitive function and mental health. It’s a technique that many think of as the realm of … READ MORE

Milestone in osteoarthritis research

Researchers found new genetic risk factors for osteoarthritis and identified novel drug targets. Their finding is a milestone towards the development of the first ever curative treatment for osteoarthritis. The study involved an … READ MORE

People with disabilities drive innovation

Unbeknown to most employers, people with disabilities sparked the creation of many of the technologies we use today. Designers of the Smart City, decision-makers, a smart city is an inclusive and accessible city. Think about the needs … READ MORE

What is walking meditation?

For Thích Nhất Hạnh, the late Vietnamese monk who popularized mindfulness in the West, walking was not simply a way to get from one place to another, or an activity to be reserved for a perfect forest path. It could be a … READ MORE
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