
Tummy time shown to aid infant development

Research review shows tummy time improves rolling, crawling and other motor development. Guide to tummy time: When to start and how to make tummy time fun. It’s important for infants to have daily tummy time. It helps with their … READ MORE

The Truth About Tummy Time

Pediatricians say it’s essential. But is it? I remember many things fondly from the time my kids were infants, but tummy time is not one of them. Deanna Donegan, The New York Times By Melinda Wenner Moyer, The New York Times April … READ MORE

Infant positional plagiocephaly

Cranial asymmetry occurring as a result of forces that deform skull shape in the supine position is known as deformational plagiocephaly. Orthomerica Starband Carl Cummings MD, Principal author, Canadian Paediatric Society, Community … READ MORE

Flat head syndrome – what is it?

The term Flat Head Syndrome is another term for Plagiocephaly. Plagiocephaly is a blanket word for covering three different types of flattening on a child’s head. Align Clinics, Cardiff UK by Lisa Williams, Align Clinics March  … READ MORE
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